F |
Fandori |
Free sparring using throws and takedowns. |
Fari Gatka |
An Indian form of fencing centered around shields (fari) and swords (gatka). The gatka is a three foot, leather-covered stick. The fari, nine inches in diameter, is also leather bound. To score points the stick must simply touch the vital points designated on the opponent's body. |
Fou Tou Ou |
A sword used in kung fu, known as the "hook and crescent" sword. |
Fu Antei |
A judo term denoted instability or lack of balance. |
Fu Jya |
A style of kung fu that employs both hard and soft techniques. |
Fuchi |
The metal sleeve located at the base of the handle next to the guard of a samurai sword. |
Fukiya |
Pins and poison darts shot through a blowgun. |
Fukubu |
A target area in sport karate that includes the diaphragm, abdomen and side chest area. |
Fukuno-Ryű |
(Japanese) A traditional japanese Ju Jutsu school founded in the 17th century from Fukuno Masakatsu who was a student of Chen Yuan-Bin. |